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Rituals and Gatherings

Recurring Public Events


Full Moon Rituals (Click The Calendar for upcoming Rituals)

Held monthly

Beltane in the Park 

Saturday May 1st, 2021 TDB


  PHOENIX RISING June 17th-20th, 2021

An immersive sacred fire circle camping gathering in nature 


Yule Celebration (2021 TBD)

Winter Solstice Ritual, Gift exchange and Party.


Past Events

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Djembe Class & Drum Circle

4:00-5:00- Beginner Djembe Class 

5:00-6:00- Drum Circle



  Sep 12th, Sep 26th, Oct 10th, Oct 23rd. 

Additional dates and location TBD for fall/winter

Learn to play the Djembe, a West African Drum. Dev will teach easy ways to connect to rhythm, proper djembe technique and traditional rhythms. Receive live personal instruction! After the class, set your inner drummer free in a supportive rhythm jam. Feel free to get up and dance!

Every 2nd and 4th Saturday


Montclair Park   3005 Nile St San Diego 92104
(We will be appropriately distanced at this neighborhood park in North Park)


$12- Djembe Class
$15- Class with drum rental (limited)

 Pre-Pay to reserve your drum in advance
Drum Circle is free for those who take class. Donations are appreciated if just attending the drum circle.


Venmo- Devra-Gregory
Cash on site


A djembe, or pre-pay to reserve a loaner for class

Some drums and percussion are available for the drum circle


Your non-judgmental mind and free spirit!



Now is the time for a new world to be born. We acknowledge the death of the old to make way for a rebirth


Celebrate the new yet ancient ways of honoring Mother Earth, ancestors, stones and bones at this Samhain, All Hallows Eve. All things die to be reborn, transformed.


We welcome you to PHOENIX RISING and the transmutation of all beings: moving from the lowest leaden self to the Highest Gold of our unified Spirits.


What doesn't serve us: fear, anxiousness, accusations, control over others, lies and disconnection is purged into the fire allowing for our true divine nature to emerge at the 

All Night Sacred Fire Circle.

.Join us.




Sharing our Abundance

Saturday August 1st, 2020


Lammas is the first harvest festival on the Pagan Wheel of the Year. For our ancestors, this time celebrates the collection of a bountiful harvest of wheat, corn and other grains, beginning preparations for the fall and winter months.


Since we have been so secluded, lockdown may have been a time for you to learn something new, start new habits or at least change things up. Harvest always comes with a sacrifice as we cut down the sheaves to make way for something new to grow. We ask at this time-

“What can I sacrifice now in order to reap the harvest of my inner guidance? What in me needs to die so that other parts can live?

What can I give to help with the community?


The full moon falls on the morning of August 3rd in the sign of Aquarius. The Aquarius/Leo polarity is all about integrating our individual identity within the larger collective. Each of us is indeed a unique person with a special destiny, worthy of being honored and celebrated.

But,  none of us can truly shine unless all of us are equally free and provided for.


At this Lammas Full Moon Ritual, we celebrate our personal harvest and abundance

as we decide what to sacrifice in order to unite with others.

As part of the ritual, food will be offered and donated later to those in need. Please share what you can.


High Priestess Dev facilitates this ritual.



7:30-9:30- Full Moon Lammas Ritual followed by a drum circle around a fire. 

PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME. It is very disruptive to the energy of the ritual to arrive late. Thank you.



5627 Shaw St. San Diego 92139 (Paradise Hills area)

This is in the backyard of a private home. 

Walk to the back through the gate on the right



Suggested donation is $10-$20. No one is turned away.

Venmo- Devra-Gregory


Cash on site



~ Canned, dry or packaged food to be donated to those in need. Consider healthy choices. 

~ Drums (Some drums and percussion will be available to play)

Full Moon Ritual

Sovereign Independence

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At this ritual we will regain our innate right to choose how we live and claim our sovereignty

6:30-7:30- Picnic (NOT a pot luck. Distance by choice)
7:30-9:00- Full Moon Ritual (please be on time for ritual)

 Lawn chair or blanket to sit on
Food for yourself if attending the picnic
Something small to burn in the cauldron that represents releasing being controlled (no plastic or toxic items when burned)
 Clothing layers for cooler night

Wear ritual clothing that helps you feel the most unique YOU


1700 Pentuckett Ave 92104 (Cedar Ridge Park in South Park)
This is a tiny neighborhood park. Please car pool if possible. Respect the neighbors by not parking in driveways.

Plan to walk a little ways down the street to the lawn at the end.

Venmo: Devra-Gregory
Cash accepted on site

Solstice Ritual ~ Igniting Your Soul with Love



Friday June 19th 7:30-9:00 PM


This Wiccan sourced ritual brings us together to ignite the light of love into our souls at this Summer Solstice, the time when the sun is at it's zenith. Reclaim the light of Divinity, the flame of passion and join your light with the Universal Fire of truth.

The only way we return to love on this planet is to live from love in our own lives and then include everyone in our prayers. Those who harm another are in the darkness. In this ritual we rise out of hatred and ignite the deepest part of truth with the Light of Divine Love.

7:30-9:00 PM. PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME. Ritual will begin promptly at 7:40.


Gather for Ritual
~ Sage or another cleansing herb to prepare yourself
~ Snack and beverage to close ritual (Cakes & Wine)
~ One candle that will burn for at least 24 hours

Suggested donation is $8-$20. All are welcome.
Venmo: Devra-Gregory


Meeting ID: 889 5136 8381
Password: 386341

Facilitated by Dev
This ritual is facilitated by High Priestess Dev (Devra Gregory) the founder of  
Sacred Flame Gatherings.

Please join the group Sacred Flame Fire Tribe on Facebook and like the page Sacred Flame Fire Circle on FB.
To join Dev's email list enter your info at the bottom of this page.

Virtual Full Moon Ritual- Confronting Our Dragons


Friday, June 5th 8:00-10:00 PM PST

Location: Zoom, anywhere in the world


This full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius can feel confrontational. It is also an eclipse, giving us the chance to unveil what is true for us under the surface. Rather than turning our backs to that which challenges us, we have the opportunity to face our "dragons" and neutralize the triggers and negative charge that is held in our cells.


Join High Priestess Dev at this full moon ceremony to participate in revealing and releasing the lies of our false selves. Our Divinity is ready to be fully embodied, but first what is untrue must be cast off and transmuted. We turn the lead of our egos into the gold of our spirits, alchemizing the soul.


Participants may offer themselves as Avatar Dragons to step into the embodiment of another's triggers. We boldly and bravely face the Dragon eye to eye and heart to heart to heal our deep wounds. Other participants offer their positive presence to hold space for the transformation of others.


As each one of us transmutes, we transform the world. As above, so below.


Prepare by having a cleansing herb such as sage, copal or paolo santo to aid in creating your sacred space and a snack and beverage (cakes & wine) to close your sacred circle.


This ritual is held on Zoom.

Register in advance:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Please make a donation of $10-$20
Venmo: Devra-Gregory


Thank you and Blessed Be!


Saturday, May 2nd 3:00-5:00 PM PST

Location: Zoom, anywhere in the world


We come together in the virtual world to celebrate the mid-spring holy-day of Beltane. At this time on the wheel of the year the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine join together to fertilize the Earth, ensuring that we continue to survive.


During these most challenging times, when our survival on Mother Earth is in peril, it is of utmost importance that we join our energies together to fertilize a new world into being. Even though we can not gather in person, by joining together in virtual community, we can still create sacred space to bring together and balance the energy of the masculine and feminine. For far too long the masculine energy ruled supreme, and the importance of the Sacred Feminine was dismissed. We, as lovers of the Earth and nature know that is not the way to support life. We must live with honor and respect for all forms of The Divine.


It is time to reawaken the sacred heart and weave the power of love into the planet.


For our ritual, in place of The Maypole we will weave our own personal threads of intention with the crafting of macramé. Dev will teach the two basic knots, then we individually (in a collective field of intention) create a strand of macramé braid. With each knot, we magickally weave our prayers for a world healed of imbalance and injustice and create our new world of love and unity. When complete, keep your magickal crafting with you as a reminder of the power of your love or hang it up in your home. Hanging it on your key ring is a great place for it! You will hold the keys to love.


High Priestess Dev will be guiding ritual. It is recommended to be outside for this ritual, if possible.



You will need to supply your own rope, twine or cord and a board to mount it for stability while you work (a wood board with a nail or 2, or cardboard with  binder clips work great) If there are two of you, take turns holding the ends for each other.

Please have your own sage or other cleansing herb, food and beverage to close out ritual (for “cakes & wine”).

Chocolate and coconut water are great!



There is no set cost for this ritual. Suggested contribution- $10-$20  Thank you.

Venmo to: Devra-Gregory

PayPal to:


Please arrive on Zoom no later than 3:15 to keep a sacred container.

You will need to load the Zoom App on your phone or computer and there is no charge.



Join Zoom Meeting:

(no password needed)

Beltane Virtual Ritual ~ Weaving a New World

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Full Moon

Virtual Ritual


Tuesday April 7th, 2020



This will be the first Full Moon Ritual I've held on line. How exciting to be able to invite people from far and wide. A blessing in disguise during these isolating times. I have been committed to holding full moon rituals for many years and in these unusual times I am continuing my dedication. May we join together in an expanded web of raised energy to find balance and share love.

This full moon is in the sign of Libra, the scales of balance and justice. Often blindfolded so as not to see injustice, the Libra Archetype seeks to find the truth "behind the scenes". We are now, in a way blindfolded, limited and yet still expanded to the internal dialogue of truth within.

Libra loves all things beautiful, so in these challenging times it is ever more important to keep our vision on what is lovely and good. This could be a challenging moon, rebellious and impatient. Be gentle with yourself and the situation. Stay calm headed during this moon cycle. Most importantly be safe.

For this full moon Wiccan ritual I invite you to dress in your most beautiful and sensual attire, even if no one sees you. It is for your self to feel and behold. We will dance a dance of balance, passion and sensuality. I will lead you in a body warm up first, then I invite you to play music of your choosing, in your own space (find music that makes you feel alive and balanced. Play it loudly through headphones or hit a drum). I will mute all participants for this portion, but we can still see each other on screen, use gallery view). We will complete the ritual by releasing any pent up feelings of injustice in a group roar, howl or yell! Be in a location you feel safe and let your housemates or family know. Or, better yet, have them all join in!

If you have sage or another cleansing herb prepare to have that handy and please have a snack and beverage of your choosing for "cakes and wine" (coconut water and chocolate work great!) to close circle with.

We will connect on line with Zoom.

If you have not used Zoom, it's very simple. Click the link below at 7:00 to settle in. It may ask you to click a button to launch Zoom if it doesn't connect right away. If you are on your phone download the free app. 

Ritual will get started at 7:15 to allow time to get connected. Please join us on time. I will cast a virtual circle and you may draw a sacred space in your home. I will show you how.

Click Here at 7:00 PM

Donations are appreciated. If you are unable to contribute, please join as my guest.
To Donate ($1-$20)
Venmo to Devra-Gregory (last 4 of my phone number is 5496)

PayPal to
Thank you


Full Moon Ritual

Metamorphic Moon Ritual
& Djembe Class



Sunday, March 8, 2020



Emerging from the winter season into expansive spring time, we celebrate the Virgo Full Moon with a ritual of morphic transformation. Just as the caterpillar transforms into the beautiful butterfly it is time for all of us to experience our freedom to fly.


Master sound healer and musician Kerem Brulé, supports our journey with her live expert musical soundscapes in the three phases of metamorphosis, from the consuming caterpillar into chrysalis and transformed into the butterfly. This is a ritual of movement, stillness and freedom.


The ritual begins with a Wiccan ceremony led by High Priestess Dev to ground and center, call in the elements and Divine source energy and invoke God/Goddess/Spirit into the sacred container.


Before ritual Dev teaches a beginner level djembe lesson. You may attend just the lesson, just the ritual or both. Bring a djembe drum for class. 5 loaner drums are available, first coem get's a drum. Send a message to Dev to reserve one. 


Those who attend the class may play drums at the end of ritual along with our featured presenter.



First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego

4190 Front St

San Diego, California 92103



6:00-7:00 - Djembe Class

7:15-9:00 - Full Moon Ritual (arrive by 7:00, doors CLOSE at 7:15)



$15 - Djembe Class

$25 - Full Moon Ritual ($30 at the door)

$30 - Djembe Class & Ritual ($35 at the door)


Pre-pay with Venmo to: Devra-Gregory



Kerem Brulé is a live looping music artist and sound healing educator from San Diego supporting transformational workshops, retreats and trainings with her gift of improvisational music making. As the owner and trainer with Beautiful Sounds, a healing music instrument company in San Diego, she shares the art and simplicity of bringing of sound and music into your life as a personal meditation practice, offering hands-on playshops with all who are called, as well as focused trainings with practitioners and facilitators in the healing arts, yoga and wellness fields. Beautiful Sounds is based on the understanding that everyone has the capacity to make beautiful music with the right support and amazing instruments that are easy to play!

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Full Moon Ritual

Alchemy in Motion



Friday, January 10th, 2020



This powerful Full Moon Ritual, the 1st of 2020 begins with clearing past energy through smudging and then grounding and centering each participant. In the Wiccan tradition the elements and The Divine are called in, then High Priestess Dev will lead you through the 7 stages of personal Alchemy through dance and movement. In Alchemical Transformation the ego is consumed by fire turning “lead”; the things that are holding us back in life, into “gold”; the illuminated Spirit. There are 7 distinctive stages of Alchemy, each one contributing to and building upon the next stage. This ritual calls upon movement to clear pathways to purified consciousnesses to begin the new year with a new perspective.
No dance or movement experience is required. Each person is encouraged to move as their own bodies are able.

First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego
4190 Front St. San Diego, CA 92103
(Walk through the front gate, then follow the signs. Parking is free if you leave after 9:30

7:30- Arrive
7:45- Doors close, ritual begins. We will be complete at 9:30.

$25- PRE-PAY with Venmo to: Devra-Gregory, PayPal to:
$30- At the door

Winter Solstice Celebration

  The Return of Light

Yule Ritual, Drum & Dance Party


Saturday December 21st, 2019


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Celebrate Winter Solstice and the returning light with a Yule Ritual and Drum & Dance party!


Yule is the time of year when the days are shortest and the nights are long. After Solstice the days begin to grow in length until the Summer Solstice. At this time of year, we celebrate the light returning to both our days and our lives!

The celebration begins with a sacred ceremony in the tradition of Wicca, Earth Based Spirituality, led by High Priestess Dev (Devra Gregory) to affirm the light within each of us and to share that light with each other. Then, we drum, dance, and celebrate The Light Returning. Drum your purpose and dance your magic to ignite your intentions for 2020.



A candle for the exchange of light ritual. No artificially scented candles please, essential oil or unscented.

A drum if you have one or borrow one of ours. Lots of percussion is available for you to play.



Ginseng Yoga

2985 Beech St SD 92102



7:30-8:00- Arrive, Socialize, Snack (Provided)

8:00-9:30- Yule Ritual with drumming and dancing



Pay at the door. Cash or Venmo accepted

$20- Adults

$10- Teens

Kids 12 and under are free

Full Moon Ritual 

Make Peace With Your Dark Side


Wednesday December 11th, 2019

7:00-9:30 PM

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The last full moon of 2019 occurs in the sign of Gemini, the twins at 9:12 PM on December 11th.
As we move through the darkness toward the return of the light on winter solstice the time is now to embrace the darkness within us. We are a polarity of dark and light, yin and yang, inward and outward.
If we deny half of our existence it will turn to a “shadow” and hide itself in our subconscious mind. By acknowledging all parts of ourselves we can become whole, integrated human be-ings.

Join us for this December Full Moon Wiccan Ritual to unite our light and dark “twin” selves together.

Space is very limited. Pre-Pay to hold your spot.

7:00-7:30- Q & A about Wicca. With Dev
7:30-9:00- Full Moon Ritual (No late admittance)
9:00-9:30- Socialize and Snack

$25- Advanced
PayPal to: (Use family/friends please)
Venmo to: Devra-Gregory
$30- At the door

(Space is very limited. Pre-pay to hold your spot)


(Dev's home in South Park and home to Kiki the cat)
1859 Whaley Ave SD 92104
Walk down the dark driveway at the end of the street to the 3rd town house.


Magickal Masquerade Ball

A Royal Affair


Wednesday Oct 30th, 2019


Queen Bee's Art and Cultural Center

3925 Ohio St, San Diego, California 92104 


For Info and Tickets


Full Moon Manifest-DANCE

Elemental Ritual

Friday, September 13, 2019

7 PM – 10 PM


First Unitarian Universalist Church

4190 Front Street San Diego, CA 92103

AT THIS FULL MOON RITUAL we invoke the 5 elements of Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit into our lives through movement, sound, prayer and song. We move to embody the archetypal energies of each of these elements to integrate their essential essence, honor them for their gifts and apply their energy for manifestation.

HIGH PRIESTESS DEV  leads the ritual in the Wiccan tradition with a twist; bringing her dance background and love of movement together with her ritual expertise in a safe, sacred circle.

NO DANCE EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. All levels are welcome. If you have a body, you can move. If you have a voice you can make sound, if you have a heart you can invoke a prayer!

TOGETHER WE CREATE this experiential dance ritual. All ages, genders and spiritual paths are welcome. Bring your open mind, willingness to participate and desire to share your heart with a loving community.

7:00-7:45- Pot Luck Dinner.
IMPORTANT- Bring a HEALTHY dish to share, organic preferred. Does not need to be veg but please choose healthy options. NO GMO!! NO Factory Farmed animals! NO Corn unless it's organic. If you want to have dinner with us, please contribute to the meal.
8:00-9:30- Ritual
Arrive by 7:45 if not attending the pot luck. DOORS CLOSE AT 8:00
9:30-10:00- Socialize, wind down. Clean up.

At the door. Cash, cards, Venmo or PayPal accepted.
$20- Adults
$10- Teens
Kids 12 and under are free.

First Unitarian Universalist Church
4190 Front Street
San Diego, CA 92103
We will be in the Commons Room. Signs will be posted.

The is a large parking lot at the Church. Free parking If leaving after 9:30 PM.($3 otherwise)

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Full Moon Ritual

Primal Emotional Cleansing

Friday August 16th

7:30-10:00 PM


Healing Studio

333 Midway Dr Suite 104 San Diego 92110

For this ritual we embark on a deep shamanic process in a safe and sacred container using our primal sounds to stir loose and clear out old stuck emotional energy. This work takes bravery and a willingness to let go and dive in. Know that-
You are supported.
You are held.
You can be free!

Join us for this extremely powerful experience. Please eat a light meal before this ritual.

7:30-8:00- Arrival, Socialize, Snack (organic vegan, gluten free snacks provided)
Please arrive by 7:45.
8:00-10:00- Full Moon Ritual & Primal Emotional Cleansing
Doors CLOSE at 8:00 to respect the sacred container of energy.

$20-$30 Sliding Scale. Cash, PayPal or Vemno accepted a
t the door.

Pre-Pay to hold your spot- Paypal:  Venmo: Devra-Gregory


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Atlantian Power Wand

Crafting Workshop

Sunday August 25th

2:00-5:00 PM

1859 Whaley Ave SD 92104

This crafting workshop is based on a "recipe" from the book Power Tools from Atlantis.
Is the Legend of Atlantis myth or reality? You get to decide!

We do know that copper is a conductive metal and quartz crystals are both transmitters and receivers. Combining these two elements makes for a powerful energy tool (AKA magick wand) that you can program for healing or other modes of intention and energy work.

I have already set the crystals into copper pipes. All you need to do is decorate one (or 2?) and charge it with your intentions. At this workshop I will teach you how to clear and charge your new tool then create magick/ intentions for it's use.

I have all the crafting supplies; Suede and leather in a multitude of colors, beads, feathers, charms, knives and glue.

Please craft at your own risk.

First to arrive selects your crystal wand. I will set more crystals in copper as needed or requested prior to the workshop.

Several sizes are available at different prices:
6" for $30 (7 available)
7" for $40 (2 available)
8" for $50 (2 available)
10" at $65 (1 available)

Pre-Pay in full if you know what size you want,
or, send a $10 deposit to hold your spot in the workshop.
Then pay the balance day of when you make your selection.
13 participants max.

Pay through Venmo to: Devra-Gregory or PayPal (family friends option)

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Full Moon Labyrinth Ritual

Sunday July 14th

6:30 PM-9:30 PM


The South Park Labyrinth

3401 Petra Place San Diego 92104

(In South Park, behind a private home)

The full moon occurs on Tuesday July 16th with a partial eclipse. We are circling a few days before the full moon to prepare ourselves for the intense Capricorn full moon energy which can be confrontational. We must decide before conflict happens to remain calm and not triggered. This is the intention for our ritual including a meditative walk around a large labyrinth to the central fire. The walk to the center allows us to reflect on improving our lives and staying calm in the face of a storm. We give our intense feelings to the central fire.

After the full moon ritual we join in rhythmic play time with a drum circle, dancing, socializing and celebration!

PLEASE NOTE- You must be able to descend and climb steep stairs to and from the labyrinth. Help is provided.
Please arrive NO LATER THAN 7:15.

Bring a drum if you have one. Extra drums will be available and lots of percussion instruments for you to play.

6:30-7:15- Pot Luck Feast (Bring a dish to share if you plan to eat. (Vegan, organic, gluten free preferred but all healthy contributions are welcome)
7:15-7:30- Introduction to the ritual with Dev (arrive in time for this)
7:30-8:45- Full Moon Ritual with a Labyrinth Walk
8:45-9:30- Drum circle with dancing, singing and merriment

$15-$20 Sliding Scale suggested donation at the door. Cash or Vemno accepted

If you do not attend the pot luck, please arrive BY 7:15 for the ritual introduction and to respect the sacred container of energy. It will be very disruptive if you arrive late.

The ritual is lead by High Priestess Dev, the founder of Sacred Flame Fire Tribe and based on the a Pagan tradition of casting a sacred circle, calling the directions, and welcoming in Divine energies to assist with each persons manifestations. Dev will ground, center and anchor the energy of each participant to create a vortex of energy utilizing the high vibrational frequencies of the full moon.

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Honoring Gaia; Full Moon Ritual, Labyrinth Walk, Drum Circle


Saturday April 20th, 2019 7:00-10:30


We celebrate the Full Moon in Libra in honor of Earth Day and our glorious planet, Goddess Gaia.

"You carry Mother Earth within you. She is not outside of you.
Mother Earth is not just your environment"
Thick Nhat Hanh

This ritual will help you energetically connect your human body to the life sustaining Mother we live upon. As children of the Earth Tribe it is our duty and honor to preserve and respect her life sustaining gifts.

During this Wiccan Ritual
~ Learn to anchor and ground your energy
~ Energize your 7 Chakras
~ Connect to Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit
~ Call in your Spirit Guides who come to Earth to assist you
~ Honor Goddess Gaia, Mother of Life
~ Sing songs in Praise of Earth (see below)
~ Affirm ways you can be more loving to the planet
~ Walk The Labyrinth to commit yourself to Her preservation
~ Raise energy in a sacred circle to charge your intentions Magically

High Priestess Dev (Devra Gregory) will be the guide for your magickal rites, with assistance from her Path of the Priestess acolytes.
After the ritual is a drumming, rhythm and dance circle. Bring a drum if you have one, or use one of ours.

7:00-8:00- Pot luck feast, socialize.
Bring a healthy prepared dish to share if you choose to eat. Organic preferred to save the planet from pesticides
8:00-9:30- Ritual (ARRIVE ON TIME)
9:30-10-30- Drum and Dance Circle, socialize
10:30-11:00- Clean Up (thanks for helping!)

Adults-$15 Advanced, $20 at the door
Teens- $5 advanced, $10 at the door
Children are free
Pre-pay with Venmo to: Devra-Gregory

The South Park Labyrinth. Behind a private residence
3401 Petra Place San Diego, CA 92104

For more info or to be added to Dev's email list write to-

Spring Equinox Full Moon Ritual

& Drum n' Dance Party

Friday March 22nd


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The South Park Labyrinth
3401 Petra Place San Diego, CA 92104

6:30-7:30- Veggie Pot Luck Feast (bring a healthy prepared dish if you choose to partake)
7:30-9:00- Ritual at the Labyrinth (PLEASE BE ON TIME)
9:00-10:00- Drum and dance party

COST (at the door) Adults-$20, Teens- $10, Kids are free

BRING: A sacred item to place on the altar to get charged
A drum if you have one (many drums and percussion instruments are available for you to play)

Full Moon Ritual

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Sing, Dance, Drum!

Date: Sunday February 17th, 2019


Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm


Location: Ginseng Yoga Studio. 2985 Beech St. San Diego 92102 (South Park)


You are invited to celebrate the full moon with a Wiccan ritual, heart opening songs, drumming, dance and a wonderful community.

We gather the night before the Virgo Super Full Moon to take a good look at how we can be more tolerant and accept the imperfections of life. We tune into what is beautiful in our lives.
When we apply this practice to our singing voices and our moving bodies it frees us up to simply express. No judgement or expectations.
During this ritual High Priestess Dev will share sacred songs and chants. Once a song is flowing, everyone is free to improvise, harmonize, drum and dance. Voices joined together in unity with bodies in motion to the beat of drums creates a high vibrational energy that is uplifting and thoroughly enjoyable!


7:00-7:30- Arrive, socialize, snack (vegan snacks provided)

7:30-9:00- Full Moon Ritual
(please be on time, NO LATE ENTRY)



An item to place on the altar to be charged with energy
A drum if you have one (Drums & percussion are available for you)



$20 Adults, $10 Teens, Kids 12 and under- free

At the door. Cash, CC, PayPal, Venmo accepted.



Full Moon Eclipse Ritual

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Sunday January 20th, 2019


7:00-9:30 PM


Adults $20, Teens $10, Kids Free

(Children must be attended to at all times)


Ginseng Yoga 2985 Beech St. SD 92102


The first full moon of 2019 is an auspicious time for a full lunar eclipse, when deeper parts of ourselves may be revealed. Join a sacred community for a full moon Wiccan ritual to uncover and celebrate this deep discovery. In the ritual, a blindfolded journey reveals what you need to see in the inner world of your soul. A celebration with drums and dancing completes the ceremony.

Bring a drum if you have one, percussion instruments are provided.


Please arrive on time. Doors close once ritual begins.



7:00-  Arrive, connect, snack (organic vegan snacks provided)

7:30-9:00- Ritual

9:00-9:30- Socialize

Winter Solstice Gathering


Date: December 22, 2018

Time: 7pm - 10pm

Location: Ginseng Yoga Studio. 2985 Beech St. San Diego 92102 (South Park)


We celebrate the return of the light and a full moon at this Winter Solstice. Join us for community, ritual, drumming, dance, a gift exchange, and celebration!

Yule is the time of year when the days are at their shortest. We rejoice in the days becoming fuller and synergistically accept our own light growing stronger.

In this ritual, High Priestess Dev will create a sacred space for each participant to share and shine their light. In the Wiccan tradition, a sacred circle is cast, the elements are invoked, and Spirit is honored. Creating elevated energy with drumming and movement, your intentions are set into motion. Manifest your will at this powerful and illuminating ritual. How will you increase and share your light for the coming year?

After the ritual is a gift exchange, white elephant style, offering us a lesson in non-attachment! Always a fun time for all.


7:00-7:30- Arrive, socialize, snack (organic vegan snacks provided)

7:30-9:00- Winter Solstice Ritual
(please be on time, NO LATE ENTRY)

9:00-10:00- Ganesha Gift Exchange (While elephant style)


An item to place on the altar to be charged with energy
A drum if you have one (Drums & percussion are available for you)
A wrapped gift, $10-$15 value. (A silly, funny or sacred item)



$20 Adults, $10 Teens, Kids 12 and under- free

At the door. Cash, CC, PayPal, Venmo accepted.



Full Moon Solstice on black.jpg

Full Moon Labyrinth Ritual

Big orange moon , tree and people_edited

Date: The next Full Moon Ritual at this location TBD

Time: 7:00-11:00

Location: The South Park Labyrinth

3401 Petra Place, San Diego, 92104



In the Wiccan tradition, Priestess Dev will create a magical and sacred container for your gratitude ritual. As we mindfully walk the labyrinth, spiraling to the central sacred fire, we open our lives to the powerful presence of gratitude for all of life. After the ritual, we ascend back up the stars to celebrate with drumming, dance, songs, and community. (help with stairs is available)


7:00-8:00-  Pot Luck Feast (veggie preferred)
8:00-:9:30- Full Moon Ritual

9:30-10:30 Drum, dance, sing, connect!

10:30-11:00 Clean Up, thanks for helping!



1. A healthy pot luck dish to share if you choose to partake.
2. A drum if you have one. Percussion is provided, and drums to share.
3. Layers. We will be outside and it will get chilly



$15-$20 Donation at the door. Cash, card, or Venmo accepted.


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